Health and Physical Education
At Pimpama State School, we encourage students to live an active and healthy lifestyle by offering many opportunities and experiences. Physical activity opportunities are provided through health and physical education activities, sport, recreation and games. All activities are designed to encourage positive attitudes, co-operation, sportsmanship and to develop individual skill levels.
Physical Education Specialist Lessons
Physical Education lessons are conducted for each class for 45minutes, one day per week. The program includes activities to develop a co-operation, sportsmanship and skill level which can be used in a variety of sports and games such as Lacrosse, Ten-Pin Bowling, Australian Football, Touch Football, T-Ball, Swimming, Orienteering, Gymnastics, Dance, Netball, Volleyball and Bocce.
Please follow the links below to find out more about other extra-curricular sporting programs Pimpama State School has to offer.